We recommend that you totally research this site before buying
any Point of Sale/ Retail/Consignment Software. You know, a
friend who has a store can refer you to their chosen
software..but you must ask yourself some important questions
before you buy it. Is your store in a location like theirs is?
Will you be selling the same type of Goods as they are? Will
your investment capitol be the same as theirs? Will your store
be as large as theirs is with enough income to sustain the
cost of that software, its costly updates & tech support? Are
you as computer literate as they are? Is the money you spend
on the front end going to be missed later?
Marks Letter >>
After 27 years of Point of Sale, Retail, Wholesale and
Consignmentwe are of the opinion that there is NO operating
software worth more that $799.00 for that precious
disc, especially upon opening a new store. Please, Save YOUR
operating dollars. If you will shop carefully and buy
reasonably priced software to open your store, you can always
upgrade later. Most of the stores that we have witnessed going
out of business within the first 2 years, were stores that
went HIGH on both software, hardware & their fixtures leaving
them little operating cash when they needed it. They spent
important start-up & operating dollars on the front end which
they badly needed down the road in the leaner J" months. We
have another Link on our homepage called
discuss hardware to match your operating software.
Here are Links for some of the reasonably priced Consignment
Software. If you will look under FAQ on these sites, it will
answer most of your questions. Please remember that all
software isnt perfect for all store applications. Only YOU
can be the judge of that!